Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Palin Calls Him a Man-Whore

Levi Johnston is about to get totally undressed for a nude spread in Playgirl. Now he's also getting dressed down by his baby mama's mama Sarah Palin.

Yup, their ongoing war of words has been kicked up a notch ... or 10.

On CBS' Early Show today, Levi continued his Palin-bashing PR tour by saying she referred to her infant son Trig, who has Down syndrome, as "retarded."

Moreover, he says she used the term repeatedly, and during the 2008 campaign, used the baby as a prop while in reality Bristol Palin primarily cared for it.

Without providing details, Johnston also ominously suggested that Palin, last year's Republican V.P. nominee, has done a whole lot worse than that, as well.

Cryptically but knowingly, he says he knows things that could "get her in trouble and could hurt her." You really couldn't make this stuff up if you tried.

"I'm not gonna go that far," Levi Johnston said. "You know, I mean, if I really wanted to hurt her, I could easily. But there's ... I'm just not gonna do it."

Levi Johnston

Suffice it to say, Levi's comments didn't sit well with Sarah.

In a bitter reply, the mother of five said in a statement that: "We have purposefully ignored the mean spirited, malicious, untrue attacks on our family."

Only she hasn't. Just saying.

"We, like many, are appalled at the inflammatory statements being made or implied," Palin's statement continued. "Trig is our 'blessed little angel' who knows it and is lovingly called that every single day of his life."

Palin said "CBS should be ashamed for continually providing a forum to propagate lies" and was indignant at the insinuation of using such a term.

Taking both Levi Johnston and CBS to task, Palin questioned the credibility of somebody about to get naked for a magazine, specifically Playgirl.

"Consider the source of the most recent attention-getting lies," she says.

"Those who would sell their body for money reflect a desperate need for attention and are likely to say and do anything for even more attention."

In response, Levi says his recent interview with Vanity Fair was just the beginning, and while he's sure Sarah Palin "has something comin' for me," he is unabashed about his counterattacks as long as the Palins cut him out of his child's life.

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